How to Do Keyword Research With Semrush : 12 Golden Rules

By VishalJethwani

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1. Let’s Start with the Basics: Keywords Unveiled

Hey, fellow content creators! Vishal here, and today we’re diving deep into “how to do keyword research with SEMrush” – the backbone of SEO. Now, let me spill the beans on a little secret from my own experience.

2. Why Does it Matter? My SEO Journey Speaks!

In my journey since 2017, discovering “how to do keyword research with SEMrush” has been my game-changer. It’s like having a treasure map to guide your audience straight to your content. Trust me; it’s a game-changer!

Navigating the SEMrush Adventure with Vishal’s Expertise

3. Touring SEMrush: Let’s Explore!

Now, SEMrush – my trusty companion in this SEO expedition. Join me as I guide you through the SEMrush dashboard, showing you “how to do keyword research with SEMrush.” It’s been my go-to tool, and I’ll show you how to make it yours too.

4. Setting Up Shop: Your SEMrush Account

As someone who’s been around the SEO block, let me share the ropes of setting up your SEMrush account for “how to do keyword research with SEMrush.” It’s like unlocking a whole new level of keyword magic.

Cracking the Keyword Code with SEMrush Magic: Vishal’s Exclusive Method

5. SEMrush’s Keyword Overview: My Decoder Ring

Numbers in SEMrush can be intimidating, but fear not! I’ll simplify “how to do keyword research with SEMrush,” breaking down search volume, keyword difficulty, and CPC. It’s like reading a friend’s text – easy once you get the hang of it.

6. Spying on the Competition: SEMrush’s Sneaky Tricks

Competitor analysis? Oh, I’ve mastered that art using SEMrush. It’s not about being sneaky; it’s about staying ahead and understanding “how to do keyword research with SEMrush.” I’ll show you how.

Vishal’s Pro Tips for Turbocharging Your Keyword Game

7. Long-Tail Keywords: Unleashing Your Secret Weapon

Long-tail keywords are my not-so-secret weapon for “how to do keyword research with SEMrush.” Join me in uncovering how SEMrush helps discover these hidden gems. Less competition, more targeted traffic – it’s a win-win!

8. Local SEO with SEMrush: My Local Business Boost

For my fellow local business enthusiasts, SEMrush has features tailor-made for you. Let me share how it can make your local SEO game strong, emphasizing “how to do keyword research with SEMrush.”

Crafting Content Like a Pro with SEMrush Insights: Vishal’s Method Unveiled

9. Seamless Keyword Integration: My Content Hack

Ever read a blog where keywords felt forced? Not on my watch! I’ll spill the beans on integrating keywords seamlessly for “how to do keyword research with SEMrush.” It’s all about a natural flow.

10. Engaging Content Creation: SEMrush’s Influence

Creating content that captivates your audience is an art. With SEMrush insights, it’s like having a personal muse for “how to do keyword research with SEMrush.” Let’s make your content shine!

Staying on Top of the SEO Game with SEMrush: Vishal’s Expert Strategies

11. Keyword Performance 101: My Monitoring Ritual

Being a seasoned SEO enthusiast, I’ll share “how to do keyword research with SEMrush” by keeping tabs on your chosen keywords. Regular check-ins are key – let’s make it a habit.

12. Riding the SEO Waves: Adapting to Changes

Search engine algorithms are like waves – constantly changing. With SEMrush, I’ve learned “how to do keyword research with SEMrush” and ride these waves. Let me share my strategies to keep you afloat.

Vishal’s Exclusive Method: Unlocking the True Potential

Now, here’s my personal experience for you. If your website is new, and you’re exploring “how to do keyword research with SEMrush,” here’s the deal. Many are using SEMrush, but here’s where my secret method kicks in.

In my niche (let’s say it’s shoes), here’s what I do:

  1. Step 1: Search “shoes” in SEMrush’s keyword magic tool.
How to Do Keyword Research With Semrush
  1. Step 2: Select your targeted country.
  2. Step 3: Apply filters like minimum word count 4, Max SERP results 100, intent: informational, and keyword difficulty: easy.
How to Do Keyword Research With Semrush

Now, many do this, but here’s where I go manual. I pick a keyword, for instance, “air shoes for men,” and search it on Google with the code “allintitle:how to do keyword research with SEMrush.” If there are fewer than 50 results, it’s a green light. If not, I tweak the keyword, like “black air shoes for men,” and repeat the process until I find that golden keyword.

I hope you love this method as much as I do. It’s my go-to strategy for easy rankings, even for new websites.

How to Do Keyword Research With Semrush

Expanding on Vishal’s Method: Going the Extra Mile

Now, let’s take a deeper dive into the manual research aspect. After applying SEMrush filters, picking a keyword, and checking its competitiveness with “allintitle,” here’s where the magic happens.

How to Do Keyword Research With Semrush

If the initial keyword doesn’t meet the criteria, I take it a step further. For example, if “black air shoes for men” has too much competition, I turn to Google’s suggested related keywords. I might discover gems like “stylish black air shoes for men” or “affordable black air shoes for men.”

How to Do Keyword Research With Semrush

Again, I use the “allintitle” code to check the competition. If there are fewer than 50 results, it becomes my new target. This meticulous process ensures I’m not just finding keywords but the right ones that guarantee easy rankings.

FAQs: Your Questions, My Answers

Q1: Is SEMrush Beginner-Friendly?

Absolutely! SEMrush is like SEO for dummies (no offense). It’s perfect for beginners and pros alike, especially when considering “how to do keyword research with SEMrush.”

Q2: How Often Should You Do Keyword Research?

As a seasoned blogger, I’d say quarterly checks keep your content fresh and Google-friendly, especially when exploring “how to do keyword research with SEMrush.”

Q3: Can SEMrush Boost Your Ads?

Oh, definitely! SEMrush is your ad campaign’s best friend, giving you the edge in the competitive ad space. Perfect for those wondering “how to do keyword research with SEMrush” for ads.

Q4: Why Long-Tail Keywords? Vishal’s Take

They’re like the magic words.

Hello, I'm Vishal Jethwani, the Founder of Sikhodigitally, a dynamic blog and YouTube channel dedicated to empowering individuals with valuable insights into the realms of blogging, WordPress, making money online, AdSense, affiliate marketing, and beyond. Through my platform, I aim to share knowledge and expertise, helping enthusiasts navigate the digital landscape and unlock the full potential of online opportunities. Join me on this exciting journey of learning, growth, and success in the ever-evolving world of digital entrepreneurship.

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